Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, also known as Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday and Shrove Tuesday, is the last day before the season of Lent begins.
Lent is the time of reflection and preparation before the celebration of Easter.
We will have a family friendly evening of food and fun. All are invited to join us from 6 – 8 pm in the sanctuary for a free pancake dinner. So we are sure to have enough food, if you will be joining us, please sign up in the lobby or email us with your family name, number attending, and if anyone needs gluten-free pancakes.
From Pastor Matt - Egypt Trip

My favorite part of school was field trips. I felt like I learned so much more by experiencing and seeing than by hearing. As I have gotten older, my appreciation for wonderful experiences has only grown. Join a small private group from Christ the King Church on November 4, 2025 (family and friends are invited) to explore the wonders of Egypt. In addition to many pyramids and ancient temples, King Tut's tomb’s treasures and mummies at the Cairo Museum, the Great Sphinx, a four-day Nile Cruise, we will see the site of the Burning Bush, where the Israelites crossed the Red Sea and some of the sites of the Exodus. Since we are responsible for our own flights to and from Egypt, stop by someplace else before or after. Please contact Pastor Matt with any questions. To see the full itinerary and register see Priscilla or Pastor Matt, or go here.